
Sand Hill Thicket

Tales of stunning sunsets, happy sheep, and peace and quiet on a 10-acre farm in Northeastern Kansas.



Latte For Me, Cattuccino For Her

Sometimes you just gotta have an iced latte even in the middle of winter. My rheumatologist recently changed my meds and now I feel like I have cotton mouth, I'm nauseated, and I'm desperately thirsty all the time. (Hopefully these... Continue Reading →

Homemade Peppermint Mochas

Merry Christmas Eve! There isn't anything like being snowed in curled up by the tree and fireplace in a fluffy blanket with a hot peppermint mocha. I don't need to run out and go through a line to order one, I can make it right here at home. I am my own barrista!

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