
Sand Hill Thicket

Tales of stunning sunsets, happy sheep, and peace and quiet on a 10-acre farm in Northeastern Kansas.



Starting Seeds Indoors: A Spring Garden

We've lived here in Northeast Kansas for more than five years now. I've come to the conclusion that most of the gardening success that I've had stems from starting seeds inside under grow lights. I do not currently have a... Continue Reading →

Attempting A No-Till/No-Dig Garden

Yesterday we placed a large silage tarp over the grass and weeds in this area to attempt to start a new no-till/no-dig garden site. We tried super hard to find enough items to keep the tarp down, but in the... Continue Reading →

Wool as Mulch!

Mulch is absolutely a must for gardens here in NE Kansas. The last thing I mulched my garden with was wheat straw, but unfortunately, wheat started growing! I won't use that again. Enter: wool! This year I grabbed some of... Continue Reading →

Ewes Go Bush Cutting

When we lived on the U.S. Territory of Guam, the locals would use the carabao to "do bush cutting". Back stateside, we would probably refer to that as weed whacking and we would use a weed whacker. Well, here on... Continue Reading →

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